Porträtt av en mördare – HIV
Redan 1985 lyckas Lennart Nilsson fotografera HIV virus i sitt labb på Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm. Vid en intervju med NOVA på 90-talet kommer de att tala om bilden.
How did you feel when you saw the HIV virus? Was it an emotional experience?
Luc Antoine Montagnier, (1932-2022), var en fransk forskare vid Institut Pasteur som tillsammans med Françoise Barré-Sinoussi och Harald zur Hausen vann 2008 års Nobelpris i fysiologi eller medicin för sin upptäckt av HIV-viruset som orsakar aids. -
”Oh, yes. Absolutely. I remember it was maybe ten years ago. I got a specimen in Stockholm and then I went over to Paris to prepare look at it with Dr. Luc Montagnier at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He was the very first to discover HIV. So we have had a very good collaboration. When I saw the first image, I was really shaken. I saw something extremely sharp, because I had a new high resolution scanning electron microscope from Japan (JEOL)—the resolution was unbelievable—5 or 6 ångstroms. So when I saw it, and just the sharpness of it, I thought, ”this is something very remarkable.” And when I pressed the button to take the pictures, I felt something very unusual, because this was a great killer in the world—and is still a great killer in the world.”